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For the past 6 years I have been working out of Shoreditch where I shared an office with street artists “End of the line” this exposed us to some of the worlds most talented grafitti artists. Its great to see the ever changing canvas across the streets of Shoreditch.



I have had the privilege of flexing my interior design muscle on

a personal project that I completed 5 years ago. After years of planning I managed to turn an old cattle barn into a modern family home.



As a teenager I spent most of my day dreaming of joining the likes of Seve, Watson, Faldo and Nicklaus on tour, but when givien the chance to turn professional I opted for a career in marketing and advertising. Plans are now set to work towards joining the seniors tour at the age of 50



I have a passion for photography, self taught and armed with many different cameras I love the opportunity to capture those magical moments in a unique and creative way.



Each year for the past 5 years I have had the pleasure of spending 3 months of the year in France this has given me the chance to enjoy the peacefulness and beauty of the French countryside. Dreams of one day setting up an eco retreat for creatives to recharge their batteries.


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